Companions with Investigators

Companions with Investigators

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

December 13, Tyson's 1st Baptism and Language Transition!

Buenas Noches!

     Thanks for the email...sorry I havent written at a normal time, we´ve had a crazy pday. It was cambios/transfers day today so our whole morning was spent at the bus station ha. It's about 7 and we are just getting started with our prep stuff. Elder Ramirez my companion got changed to a small town south or merida today so its now only me and my trainer. Im pretty excited but really nervous cause now i actually have to be a bigger part in our contacts, lessons, and everything else ha. Im going to be prayin a lot this week I'm sure ha. I feel kinda bad because Elder Flores has been here for almost 8 months now and still hasn't been changed, Elder Ramirez only had 4 and a half so yeah i think he was a bit disappointed and plus hes been the district leader for quite the time too. So yeah, I like what I hear about the fam, you should definitely get a horse for kate ha, they´re a lot of work though so, its a tough decision ha I would love it though ha ;) That was funny hearin about Champ, I love clumsy dogs ha. I bet you´re all lovin Christmas time right now, try not to get too stressed with everything. Especially with school "jay with finals" good luck man! You too Megan and Katie keep it up.      Christmas down here is really different ha everyone is buying piñatas and stuff. All the catholics are up till 2 in the morning everynight and like around 10 at night they shoot these way loud fireworks off and pump the music haha. we live right by a catholic church ha. its crazyness. I love it though. theres few lights but most people have their little shrines of mary on the wall outside their houses and they´re all decorated and stuff. Most everybody here is catholic or jehovah witnesses. anyway sorry i didnt get to your email last week dad. ill do better, the pictures hold me up and the computer. Umm about the scripture for my plaque, can I get that to ya next week? I have one but I'm not quite sure if I want to use it yet. Thanks for sending me a package I can't wait to get it ha and can't wait to talk to ya'll on Christmas, I think they have it all figured out for me, The American missionaries are going to be able to call beginning at 5 oclock in the aftertoon so it should be 4.
     Ok well, the week went pretty well. Vincente´s baptism ended up falling through, he ended up doing something pretty unfortunate like two days before his baptism so I'm not too sure when he will be baptized and Miguel had one issue with the word of wisdom so he is going to be baptized this next saturday, we´re pretty stoked for him, but on the other hand Eddy and Cristina got baptized on saturday woop woop ha. And guess who baptized Eddy? Yup, me ha. I didn´t expect it cause I hardly taught him. It was a good experience, a lot fun. I was quite nervous when I got into the water haha. I had to hurry and memorize the prayer in spanish a few days before and his name was hard to pronounce ha. But it went all smooth besides for the hesitations between words ha. I have a foto but i dont have my camera stuff with me. It was exciting, I got pretty pumped to accomplish our goal of a baptism a week. So yup that was my story of the week! oh and another, so i had to do my introduction in church after the confirmations and i said something really funny in my testimony ha. it was embarrassing but I just have to laugh it off. I said Yo se que Jesucristo sufrio por mi pescados which means I know that Jesus Christ suffered for my fishes ha sins is pecados. It was great.
     Anyways, hope you are having a great time during the holidays! Keep the christmas spirit with you siempre. I love you all and love hearing from my fam. You da best! Take care!

Elder Fuller

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