Hola Familia!
How´s it all going down in V-town? I tell you what, these last few days have been a change that's for sure haha. So yeah, it was so sweet being able to chat at the airport! The flights all went good, and yeah it was Houston International Bush. It was dark when we went over the gulf so me and Elder Calvert just talked and had a good time. We were so nervous ha it was funny, i love that kid. So when we descended my ears wouldn't release the pressure again and it was quite miserable cause I couldn't hear out of my left ear for a day or so ha, well it seemed that way at least. Anyway Mexico is an interesting place. Merida is huge its crazy. I don't even know where to start.
I guess I’ll start at the arrival. We had to go through all this visa stuff and then our luggage, and then we finally met up with Presidente Salinas and the assistants at like 945. We got outside and it was super hot ha and humid. We got in the car with President and he just started talking to us in Spanish ha, luckily he new some pretty good ingles but he would’nt speak it much at all. He drove us to some zone leaders house and the whole like 20 min drive he was explainin the mission. Where they were splitting us up and some of the many rules. I didn’t get much out of it, cause I really just cant understand any Spanish. Ha it’s embarrassing. Anyway that night we got our hamacks and some grub and just chilled with the zone leaders for a while with the 6 elders I came with.
The next day we got ready and went to the Presidents house and ate breakfast/desayuno and then to the mission offices. We had a long meeting and learned what president expected out of us, its a lot ha. Some goals we have as a mission is 100 contacts a week and 1 baptism a week as an area maybe a companionship I'm not quite sure yet haha. Anyway President is an awesome guy and very powerful with the spirit, I already loved him from the start ha. So, we ended up staying at the offices for about 4 or 5 hours after that waiting for our trainers to come, which was all after our interviews. We got pizza, it was great. They finally told us where we were going to go and who our trainers were going to be like around 4. Two went to cancun 1 went to a village out somewhere in Yucatan and us three in my district went to two outskirt cities and I will be in Merida.
My first night was fun, we got to the apartment dropped off my stuff and took off for the streets. We went and visited some ward families and contacted a few other people. The members are amazing here and love the missionaries, but I just can’t understand them haha. Its really hard to communicate and most of them mix in some Maya in there so yeah its difficult. They all talk pretty fast. I cant wait to be able to communicate with em. My area is pretty poor. I live in Chenuk and my area is pensiones. My companions are Elder Flores my trainer or dad and Elder Ramirez. There awesome and Elder Flores speaks a lil ingles, so it’s definitely a plus. It was hard saying good bye to my MTC friends that day. But yeah my Grandfather is from Illinouis and I see him every couple days or so, its actually his birthday today ha. He’s pretty cool, he helps me out a bit. So yeah sleeping in the hamack is alright, really different though, and its pretty cold in the mornings ha I sleep with my towels over me. The week went really good. Its blazing hot after 9 or 10 in the morning and I’m constantly sweating ha. I carry a rag to wipe it off. We met this guy named Vincente and he wants to get babtized already. Our first lesson the day after our contact we took him to the capilla or chapel and showed him around and then to the baptismal faunt and taught him about baptism. He came to church the next day too. His date is set at Nov. 11.
On Friday we had a ward activity and we did a skit. That was the most outrageous thing in the world, we were yellin and acting like babies and throwin food around and then dressed up as super heroes, I was spiderman and had this stuff that sprayed this foamy stuff ha and I came out and sprayed all the chicos little kids in the front, it was a blast ha. Really different. I loved it. Their chapel is brand new and is pretty nice. They have air conditioning! I didn't go to that one on Sunday though with vincente. Me and Elder Flores went to Motul because he had to interview someone for baptism. Hes the district leader and for some reason the two missionaries in motul are in our district. Motul is like 50 min away after we travel to the city center to the bus station ha. So we went to Motul and went to church and then to the baptism afterwards. It was fun. The members Feed us, and the food has been awesome, usually im starving so anything would be good so who knows. It all looks kinda weird. But chicken and tortillas and beans and rice and yesterday we had these chicken sandwiches with this weird dark sauce. Anyway I’m learning a whole lot and its really hard but I’ve been enjoying it.
Well I’m just about out of time. I love you all and hope you had an amazing thanksgiving. Ha I totally forgot about it until later that night as I was getting ready for bed, kinda funny. Anyways love ya all! Stay strong, the church is still true here ha.
Love Elder Fuller
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