Merry Christmas!!
I can´t believe its already Christmas this weekend. It sure doesn't
feel like it much for some reason ha. Its still real hot here, I can't
even imagine how hot its going to be in April may June and July. I'm
going to die! So yeah I totally hope you have an awesome Christmas!
I´ll be calling at 530 I think, so whatever the time difference is
thats when I'll be calling most likely. its central time here btw. I'm
super psyched to talk to yall. I´ve got 40 minutes I believe, so
divide that up between yall ha.
So the weeks been pretty tough, and we´ve been working pretty hard.
Elder Flores baptized Miguel on Saturday, and confirmed on Sunday. its
was neat. Miguel is the brother of eddy, the guy i baptized. Their
whole family is baptized now i believe. Their dad is in a coma and the
mom was the first to be baptized like last march or something, a
couple months after he went into the coma. I could be wrong because I
always am. I don't completely understand the explanations of my
companion. Every lesson we teach I'm just in confusion most of the
time. It really annoying. Im having a hard time cause i never know
whats going on whether its in a lesson or where we´re going or just a
normal conversation with someone ha. It should be getting a bit better
this next month, but who knows.
So I have a scripture for my plaque, its alma 29:9
My pday was really busy today, we had to clean the house right when we
woke up and then got ready to go cause we had to pay the water bill
and walk to the other side of the area to get some money, and then had
a lesson at 11 with Fernando. He´s progressing to get baptized on
Christmas but he didn't show up at church yesterday so it probably won't
happen until next week. He's had some tough times and is really humble.
anyways we ended up not getting all our laundry done and didn't get the
shopping or emails done in time for the district meeting. so yeah
thats why its so late, sorry. We went on divisions tonight. My
companion went to Motul and that companionship split with me so I have
to guide him around my area tomorrow. I don't know it very well and
can´t speak much to him so im really nervous. I have a feeling its not
going to be very fun ha. The Ordoñez family is progressing really fast but I don't
know if we even have a baptismal date for them. The mother isn't participating in the lessons
but the two boys and father are really excited. They came to church and tried to make it
to the baptism on Saturday but didn't make it on time. I can´t understand the
dad one bit, he has a weird voice and mumbles the whole time ha but
yeah we´re going to teach them tomorrow. Anyways, I' ll be talking to
you on Saturday! Thanks For the emails! and for sending me a package.
Stay safe and have fun! Hope you get to make it for the family gathering
on the 23. Love you all!
Elder Fuller
Elder Tyson Fuller
Companions with Investigators
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
December 13, Tyson's 1st Baptism and Language Transition!
Buenas Noches!
Thanks for the email...sorry I havent written at a normal time, we´ve had a crazy pday. It was cambios/transfers day today so our whole morning was spent at the bus station ha. It's about 7 and we are just getting started with our prep stuff. Elder Ramirez my companion got changed to a small town south or merida today so its now only me and my trainer. Im pretty excited but really nervous cause now i actually have to be a bigger part in our contacts, lessons, and everything else ha. Im going to be prayin a lot this week I'm sure ha. I feel kinda bad because Elder Flores has been here for almost 8 months now and still hasn't been changed, Elder Ramirez only had 4 and a half so yeah i think he was a bit disappointed and plus hes been the district leader for quite the time too. So yeah, I like what I hear about the fam, you should definitely get a horse for kate ha, they´re a lot of work though so, its a tough decision ha I would love it though ha ;) That was funny hearin about Champ, I love clumsy dogs ha. I bet you´re all lovin Christmas time right now, try not to get too stressed with everything. Especially with school "jay with finals" good luck man! You too Megan and Katie keep it up. Christmas down here is really different ha everyone is buying piñatas and stuff. All the catholics are up till 2 in the morning everynight and like around 10 at night they shoot these way loud fireworks off and pump the music haha. we live right by a catholic church ha. its crazyness. I love it though. theres few lights but most people have their little shrines of mary on the wall outside their houses and they´re all decorated and stuff. Most everybody here is catholic or jehovah witnesses. anyway sorry i didnt get to your email last week dad. ill do better, the pictures hold me up and the computer. Umm about the scripture for my plaque, can I get that to ya next week? I have one but I'm not quite sure if I want to use it yet. Thanks for sending me a package I can't wait to get it ha and can't wait to talk to ya'll on Christmas, I think they have it all figured out for me, The American missionaries are going to be able to call beginning at 5 oclock in the aftertoon so it should be 4.
Ok well, the week went pretty well. Vincente´s baptism ended up falling through, he ended up doing something pretty unfortunate like two days before his baptism so I'm not too sure when he will be baptized and Miguel had one issue with the word of wisdom so he is going to be baptized this next saturday, we´re pretty stoked for him, but on the other hand Eddy and Cristina got baptized on saturday woop woop ha. And guess who baptized Eddy? Yup, me ha. I didn´t expect it cause I hardly taught him. It was a good experience, a lot fun. I was quite nervous when I got into the water haha. I had to hurry and memorize the prayer in spanish a few days before and his name was hard to pronounce ha. But it went all smooth besides for the hesitations between words ha. I have a foto but i dont have my camera stuff with me. It was exciting, I got pretty pumped to accomplish our goal of a baptism a week. So yup that was my story of the week! oh and another, so i had to do my introduction in church after the confirmations and i said something really funny in my testimony ha. it was embarrassing but I just have to laugh it off. I said Yo se que Jesucristo sufrio por mi pescados which means I know that Jesus Christ suffered for my fishes ha sins is pecados. It was great.
Anyways, hope you are having a great time during the holidays! Keep the christmas spirit with you siempre. I love you all and love hearing from my fam. You da best! Take care!
Elder Fuller
Thanks for the email...sorry I havent written at a normal time, we´ve had a crazy pday. It was cambios/transfers day today so our whole morning was spent at the bus station ha. It's about 7 and we are just getting started with our prep stuff. Elder Ramirez my companion got changed to a small town south or merida today so its now only me and my trainer. Im pretty excited but really nervous cause now i actually have to be a bigger part in our contacts, lessons, and everything else ha. Im going to be prayin a lot this week I'm sure ha. I feel kinda bad because Elder Flores has been here for almost 8 months now and still hasn't been changed, Elder Ramirez only had 4 and a half so yeah i think he was a bit disappointed and plus hes been the district leader for quite the time too. So yeah, I like what I hear about the fam, you should definitely get a horse for kate ha, they´re a lot of work though so, its a tough decision ha I would love it though ha ;) That was funny hearin about Champ, I love clumsy dogs ha. I bet you´re all lovin Christmas time right now, try not to get too stressed with everything. Especially with school "jay with finals" good luck man! You too Megan and Katie keep it up. Christmas down here is really different ha everyone is buying piñatas and stuff. All the catholics are up till 2 in the morning everynight and like around 10 at night they shoot these way loud fireworks off and pump the music haha. we live right by a catholic church ha. its crazyness. I love it though. theres few lights but most people have their little shrines of mary on the wall outside their houses and they´re all decorated and stuff. Most everybody here is catholic or jehovah witnesses. anyway sorry i didnt get to your email last week dad. ill do better, the pictures hold me up and the computer. Umm about the scripture for my plaque, can I get that to ya next week? I have one but I'm not quite sure if I want to use it yet. Thanks for sending me a package I can't wait to get it ha and can't wait to talk to ya'll on Christmas, I think they have it all figured out for me, The American missionaries are going to be able to call beginning at 5 oclock in the aftertoon so it should be 4.
Ok well, the week went pretty well. Vincente´s baptism ended up falling through, he ended up doing something pretty unfortunate like two days before his baptism so I'm not too sure when he will be baptized and Miguel had one issue with the word of wisdom so he is going to be baptized this next saturday, we´re pretty stoked for him, but on the other hand Eddy and Cristina got baptized on saturday woop woop ha. And guess who baptized Eddy? Yup, me ha. I didn´t expect it cause I hardly taught him. It was a good experience, a lot fun. I was quite nervous when I got into the water haha. I had to hurry and memorize the prayer in spanish a few days before and his name was hard to pronounce ha. But it went all smooth besides for the hesitations between words ha. I have a foto but i dont have my camera stuff with me. It was exciting, I got pretty pumped to accomplish our goal of a baptism a week. So yup that was my story of the week! oh and another, so i had to do my introduction in church after the confirmations and i said something really funny in my testimony ha. it was embarrassing but I just have to laugh it off. I said Yo se que Jesucristo sufrio por mi pescados which means I know that Jesus Christ suffered for my fishes ha sins is pecados. It was great.
Anyways, hope you are having a great time during the holidays! Keep the christmas spirit with you siempre. I love you all and love hearing from my fam. You da best! Take care!
Elder Fuller
November 29, 2010 Arriving in Mexico!
Hola Familia!
How´s it all going down in V-town? I tell you what, these last few days have been a change that's for sure haha. So yeah, it was so sweet being able to chat at the airport! The flights all went good, and yeah it was Houston International Bush. It was dark when we went over the gulf so me and Elder Calvert just talked and had a good time. We were so nervous ha it was funny, i love that kid. So when we descended my ears wouldn't release the pressure again and it was quite miserable cause I couldn't hear out of my left ear for a day or so ha, well it seemed that way at least. Anyway Mexico is an interesting place. Merida is huge its crazy. I don't even know where to start.
I guess I’ll start at the arrival. We had to go through all this visa stuff and then our luggage, and then we finally met up with Presidente Salinas and the assistants at like 945. We got outside and it was super hot ha and humid. We got in the car with President and he just started talking to us in Spanish ha, luckily he new some pretty good ingles but he would’nt speak it much at all. He drove us to some zone leaders house and the whole like 20 min drive he was explainin the mission. Where they were splitting us up and some of the many rules. I didn’t get much out of it, cause I really just cant understand any Spanish. Ha it’s embarrassing. Anyway that night we got our hamacks and some grub and just chilled with the zone leaders for a while with the 6 elders I came with.
The next day we got ready and went to the Presidents house and ate breakfast/desayuno and then to the mission offices. We had a long meeting and learned what president expected out of us, its a lot ha. Some goals we have as a mission is 100 contacts a week and 1 baptism a week as an area maybe a companionship I'm not quite sure yet haha. Anyway President is an awesome guy and very powerful with the spirit, I already loved him from the start ha. So, we ended up staying at the offices for about 4 or 5 hours after that waiting for our trainers to come, which was all after our interviews. We got pizza, it was great. They finally told us where we were going to go and who our trainers were going to be like around 4. Two went to cancun 1 went to a village out somewhere in Yucatan and us three in my district went to two outskirt cities and I will be in Merida.
My first night was fun, we got to the apartment dropped off my stuff and took off for the streets. We went and visited some ward families and contacted a few other people. The members are amazing here and love the missionaries, but I just can’t understand them haha. Its really hard to communicate and most of them mix in some Maya in there so yeah its difficult. They all talk pretty fast. I cant wait to be able to communicate with em. My area is pretty poor. I live in Chenuk and my area is pensiones. My companions are Elder Flores my trainer or dad and Elder Ramirez. There awesome and Elder Flores speaks a lil ingles, so it’s definitely a plus. It was hard saying good bye to my MTC friends that day. But yeah my Grandfather is from Illinouis and I see him every couple days or so, its actually his birthday today ha. He’s pretty cool, he helps me out a bit. So yeah sleeping in the hamack is alright, really different though, and its pretty cold in the mornings ha I sleep with my towels over me. The week went really good. Its blazing hot after 9 or 10 in the morning and I’m constantly sweating ha. I carry a rag to wipe it off. We met this guy named Vincente and he wants to get babtized already. Our first lesson the day after our contact we took him to the capilla or chapel and showed him around and then to the baptismal faunt and taught him about baptism. He came to church the next day too. His date is set at Nov. 11.
On Friday we had a ward activity and we did a skit. That was the most outrageous thing in the world, we were yellin and acting like babies and throwin food around and then dressed up as super heroes, I was spiderman and had this stuff that sprayed this foamy stuff ha and I came out and sprayed all the chicos little kids in the front, it was a blast ha. Really different. I loved it. Their chapel is brand new and is pretty nice. They have air conditioning! I didn't go to that one on Sunday though with vincente. Me and Elder Flores went to Motul because he had to interview someone for baptism. Hes the district leader and for some reason the two missionaries in motul are in our district. Motul is like 50 min away after we travel to the city center to the bus station ha. So we went to Motul and went to church and then to the baptism afterwards. It was fun. The members Feed us, and the food has been awesome, usually im starving so anything would be good so who knows. It all looks kinda weird. But chicken and tortillas and beans and rice and yesterday we had these chicken sandwiches with this weird dark sauce. Anyway I’m learning a whole lot and its really hard but I’ve been enjoying it.
Well I’m just about out of time. I love you all and hope you had an amazing thanksgiving. Ha I totally forgot about it until later that night as I was getting ready for bed, kinda funny. Anyways love ya all! Stay strong, the church is still true here ha.
Love Elder Fuller
How´s it all going down in V-town? I tell you what, these last few days have been a change that's for sure haha. So yeah, it was so sweet being able to chat at the airport! The flights all went good, and yeah it was Houston International Bush. It was dark when we went over the gulf so me and Elder Calvert just talked and had a good time. We were so nervous ha it was funny, i love that kid. So when we descended my ears wouldn't release the pressure again and it was quite miserable cause I couldn't hear out of my left ear for a day or so ha, well it seemed that way at least. Anyway Mexico is an interesting place. Merida is huge its crazy. I don't even know where to start.
I guess I’ll start at the arrival. We had to go through all this visa stuff and then our luggage, and then we finally met up with Presidente Salinas and the assistants at like 945. We got outside and it was super hot ha and humid. We got in the car with President and he just started talking to us in Spanish ha, luckily he new some pretty good ingles but he would’nt speak it much at all. He drove us to some zone leaders house and the whole like 20 min drive he was explainin the mission. Where they were splitting us up and some of the many rules. I didn’t get much out of it, cause I really just cant understand any Spanish. Ha it’s embarrassing. Anyway that night we got our hamacks and some grub and just chilled with the zone leaders for a while with the 6 elders I came with.
The next day we got ready and went to the Presidents house and ate breakfast/desayuno and then to the mission offices. We had a long meeting and learned what president expected out of us, its a lot ha. Some goals we have as a mission is 100 contacts a week and 1 baptism a week as an area maybe a companionship I'm not quite sure yet haha. Anyway President is an awesome guy and very powerful with the spirit, I already loved him from the start ha. So, we ended up staying at the offices for about 4 or 5 hours after that waiting for our trainers to come, which was all after our interviews. We got pizza, it was great. They finally told us where we were going to go and who our trainers were going to be like around 4. Two went to cancun 1 went to a village out somewhere in Yucatan and us three in my district went to two outskirt cities and I will be in Merida.
My first night was fun, we got to the apartment dropped off my stuff and took off for the streets. We went and visited some ward families and contacted a few other people. The members are amazing here and love the missionaries, but I just can’t understand them haha. Its really hard to communicate and most of them mix in some Maya in there so yeah its difficult. They all talk pretty fast. I cant wait to be able to communicate with em. My area is pretty poor. I live in Chenuk and my area is pensiones. My companions are Elder Flores my trainer or dad and Elder Ramirez. There awesome and Elder Flores speaks a lil ingles, so it’s definitely a plus. It was hard saying good bye to my MTC friends that day. But yeah my Grandfather is from Illinouis and I see him every couple days or so, its actually his birthday today ha. He’s pretty cool, he helps me out a bit. So yeah sleeping in the hamack is alright, really different though, and its pretty cold in the mornings ha I sleep with my towels over me. The week went really good. Its blazing hot after 9 or 10 in the morning and I’m constantly sweating ha. I carry a rag to wipe it off. We met this guy named Vincente and he wants to get babtized already. Our first lesson the day after our contact we took him to the capilla or chapel and showed him around and then to the baptismal faunt and taught him about baptism. He came to church the next day too. His date is set at Nov. 11.
On Friday we had a ward activity and we did a skit. That was the most outrageous thing in the world, we were yellin and acting like babies and throwin food around and then dressed up as super heroes, I was spiderman and had this stuff that sprayed this foamy stuff ha and I came out and sprayed all the chicos little kids in the front, it was a blast ha. Really different. I loved it. Their chapel is brand new and is pretty nice. They have air conditioning! I didn't go to that one on Sunday though with vincente. Me and Elder Flores went to Motul because he had to interview someone for baptism. Hes the district leader and for some reason the two missionaries in motul are in our district. Motul is like 50 min away after we travel to the city center to the bus station ha. So we went to Motul and went to church and then to the baptism afterwards. It was fun. The members Feed us, and the food has been awesome, usually im starving so anything would be good so who knows. It all looks kinda weird. But chicken and tortillas and beans and rice and yesterday we had these chicken sandwiches with this weird dark sauce. Anyway I’m learning a whole lot and its really hard but I’ve been enjoying it.
Well I’m just about out of time. I love you all and hope you had an amazing thanksgiving. Ha I totally forgot about it until later that night as I was getting ready for bed, kinda funny. Anyways love ya all! Stay strong, the church is still true here ha.
Love Elder Fuller
December 6, 2010 Adjusting to Mexico- First Teaching Experiences
Hey fam!
Sounds like everything is goin well! Im still tryiing to
adjust to things. I'm getting used to the hamack and the food is great.
Spanish isn't much better but I can see some progress. We´ve met two
new families and givin them a baptismal date for the 20th.
adjust to things. I'm getting used to the hamack and the food is great.
Spanish isn't much better but I can see some progress. We´ve met two
new families and givin them a baptismal date for the 20th.
We have 4 or 5 baptisms this saturday, so we´re pretty
excited. We have a zone conference on Wed. and a bunch of lessons. How
was Jay´s birthday? he told me it was a bit of a bummer, and awkward
ha, sorry bro!. So I tried to attach some fotos but they were takin
too long so this is the only one I could get on, I think it is the
one of us in the truck ha we were just getting back from Eddie and
Cristina´s wedding, it was like an hour away at this huge fair ha like
205 people got married it was wierd! We had 11 people in that small
thing ha. It was really fun. They had to get married before they could get
baptized which the baptism is on Saturday, along with Vincente and Miguel,
excited. We have a zone conference on Wed. and a bunch of lessons. How
was Jay´s birthday? he told me it was a bit of a bummer, and awkward
ha, sorry bro!. So I tried to attach some fotos but they were takin
too long so this is the only one I could get on, I think it is the
one of us in the truck ha we were just getting back from Eddie and
Cristina´s wedding, it was like an hour away at this huge fair ha like
205 people got married it was wierd! We had 11 people in that small
thing ha. It was really fun. They had to get married before they could get
baptized which the baptism is on Saturday, along with Vincente and Miguel,
Miguel is Eddies younger brother. We took Vincente to church yesterday
and he bore his testimony ha, it was long and kinda loud but he
expressed how thankful he was for us missionaries and it was really
good. He´s a really humble guy but works as a policeman-security guard .Ha
he kinda intimidates me. but yeah were preparing him for Saturday and
everything looks good for him. Theres so many things that happen I
can't remember. Maya is kinda fun to learn though ha Baax ka walik
ha its weird. But hey I love you all and keep working hard. The church
is true and there´s nothing better than to share a sloppy stuttering
testimony to someone you dont even understand, ha remember that. jk.
Work hard for the spirit and Heavenly Father will bless your lives.
and he bore his testimony ha, it was long and kinda loud but he
expressed how thankful he was for us missionaries and it was really
good. He´s a really humble guy but works as a policeman-security guard .Ha
he kinda intimidates me. but yeah were preparing him for Saturday and
everything looks good for him. Theres so many things that happen I
can't remember. Maya is kinda fun to learn though ha Baax ka walik
ha its weird. But hey I love you all and keep working hard. The church
is true and there´s nothing better than to share a sloppy stuttering
testimony to someone you dont even understand, ha remember that. jk.
Work hard for the spirit and Heavenly Father will bless your lives.
Love Elder Fuller
January 3, 2011 Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!!!
Lo siento, we actually got to write earlier today. Here´s some
pictures I dont remember what ones i put on so hopefully they´re new
ones. We had a skit at a ward christmas party ha it was really fun, I
was Rudolf. anyways How did your new years go?? I didn´t do anything
fun but it was alright. Didn't sleep much cause the all fiestas. Pero,
this week we had a mother and grandmother come to us in their van and
asked about the church and we visited them the next day and I shared
the restoration. they were really intersted and we invited to baptism
and the excepted. we took them on a tour of the church the next day
and had a lesson by the faunt with a member and gave them baptismal
dates for the 22. Mireya is the mother of two of the most polite boys
ive ever met who are both getting baptized. but the dad has a problem,
he doesnt live with the family cause he has a bad relationship with
mireyas mother who lives with her. She invited him to go to church on
Sunday and he came ha, and we hadnt even talked to him before. He went
and talked to the bishop after our little lesson with him after church
and he agreed to get baptized but i dont know what the situation is as
of now so who knows. its was really cool. I think my companion is
getting blessed for all his hard work ha. We should be having a
baptism this next weekend. Moíses is 14 and has gone to church 3 times
now so hes about ready for saturday. His dad and brother have gone
twice so they´ll be baptised on the 15th. We have a lot of
investigators and work so its all good. The weather has be really good
and the temperature has risen a bit. Everything is good though. Hope
everything is going well for you all. Hope you´re not freezing to
death, its weird to think its January right now cause we´re having
June or July weather here ha. I miss the snow though. oh and please
tell me dad got a horse. Welp, I´ll get back with ya next week! Love
Elder Fuller
Lo siento, we actually got to write earlier today. Here´s some
pictures I dont remember what ones i put on so hopefully they´re new
ones. We had a skit at a ward christmas party ha it was really fun, I
was Rudolf. anyways How did your new years go?? I didn´t do anything
fun but it was alright. Didn't sleep much cause the all fiestas. Pero,
this week we had a mother and grandmother come to us in their van and
asked about the church and we visited them the next day and I shared
the restoration. they were really intersted and we invited to baptism
and the excepted. we took them on a tour of the church the next day
and had a lesson by the faunt with a member and gave them baptismal
dates for the 22. Mireya is the mother of two of the most polite boys
ive ever met who are both getting baptized. but the dad has a problem,
he doesnt live with the family cause he has a bad relationship with
mireyas mother who lives with her. She invited him to go to church on
Sunday and he came ha, and we hadnt even talked to him before. He went
and talked to the bishop after our little lesson with him after church
and he agreed to get baptized but i dont know what the situation is as
of now so who knows. its was really cool. I think my companion is
getting blessed for all his hard work ha. We should be having a
baptism this next weekend. Moíses is 14 and has gone to church 3 times
now so hes about ready for saturday. His dad and brother have gone
twice so they´ll be baptised on the 15th. We have a lot of
investigators and work so its all good. The weather has be really good
and the temperature has risen a bit. Everything is good though. Hope
everything is going well for you all. Hope you´re not freezing to
death, its weird to think its January right now cause we´re having
June or July weather here ha. I miss the snow though. oh and please
tell me dad got a horse. Welp, I´ll get back with ya next week! Love
Elder Fuller
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